President - The president shall preside over meetings of the organization and executive board, prepare the agenda, serve as the primary contact for the principal/office staff, represent the organization at meetings outside the organization, serve as a support member of all committees except the nominating committee, and coordinate the work of all the officers and committees so that the purpose of the organization is served.
Vice President - Assists president with any projects/tasks; runs meetings if president is unable to attend; takes over president's duties if president is unable
Treasurer - The treasurer takes care of the organization's money, keeping track of income and spending, and making payments approved by the board. They’re responsible for drafting and maintaining the budget, giving financial updates at each meeting or whenever the board asks, and providing a full report at the end of the year. Other responsibilities include filing annual tax returns, maintaining necessary filings with the Colorado Secretary of State, and bank account management.
Fundraising Chair - The fundraising coordinator is responsible for creating a plan to ensure the organization is funded for the services it provides. They will oversee the process of seeking and gathering voluntary financial contributions by engaging individuals and committees, businesses, charitable foundations and government agencies.
Secretary - The secretary is essentially responsible for communicating! They take notes/minutes at all of our meetings, write emails to the general PTO, update the website, and do all of our social media. In this role, it's important to be organized and proficient at communicating in various forms.
Volunteer Coordinator - The volunteer coordinator works with the PTO board and the school community to fill volunteer needs. These needs may come from teachers, the school, or through PTO events. The volunteer coordinator helps teachers and room parents organize classroom parties, assists with board and PTO events, attends board and PTO meetings, and assists with coordinating grade-level dinners/luncheons and the back-to-school luncheon each year.